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31 Jan

I must have been born and raised in Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Jordan et al in my past lives as I am fascinated with their cuisine, design, culture and history.  The closest though I can easily experience them on a practical basis is through their cuisine…not that I have tried all.  That is why when I come across food I find  extraordinary and uncommon and naturally represents any of those countries I mentioned, I feel like I discovered gold in my back yard.

Such is B’stilla (pronounced like Bastila).  I first saw this featured on TLC (Travel and Living Channel).  I was amazed on how a local homemaker made it from scratch with so much love and care, to be served on a special occasion as the most awaited dish.  It is a poultry  or seafood pie loaded with fine spices, roasted almonds, eggs, etc. layered in between sheets of phyllo pastry.  It is savory and sweet at the same time. Unique and not easy to get…truly worth waiting for.

Then….then…as if it popped out of the telly….I see it on a table laden with other Moroccan dishes.

Ooops…by the time I took the photo,  gone were all the B’stilla.

Anyway, if you’re curious to find out how this delicious pie tastes like and want to try other Moroccan dishes, call and order for some:

Tel nos:  09178093402 and 8523658.  Located at Galeria de Magallanes.