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5 Jun

Gone for work and a brief r&r for a few days.  Facebook-less in China and a difficult access to TBW equals no post.  So here is a quickie to make up for those days.   More to come on China…..

I am amazed on how Chef Tony’s popcorn has grown.  I remember finding them in a tiny stall somewhere in Pasig many years ago and loved their popcorn immediately. There were only 3 variants at that time.  Gave several tubs away for that year’s Christmas and they were an instant hit.

Fast forward to today, one can find store outlets with popcorn on shelves all over with many flavors to boot!

Do not to despair, popcorn variants are not all loaded with sugar and butter. There are sugar-free, butter-less and herbed infused flavors.  However, a current favorite is the total opposite.  This one is loaded with butter, syrup and walnuts.  Yum!

Belgian Butter Walnut

Beware: Too much of these elevate happiness & cholesterol! One can get deliriously ill with loads of butter & sugar =)))

Hurry and get a tub though cause it's a limited edition flavor =)

If tired with the usual butter, cheese & bbq cinema popcorn, grab a half or full tub of Chef Tony’s  or even bring several home for movie nights with family for that additional pleasure.