6 Mar

When one is down with the flu, some of the tried and tested remedies are:  rest, taking citrus juices, lots of water and soup.

For soup, it’s the usual chicken noodle soup (preferably made by grandma), chicken tinola soup with ginger , sinigang of any kind and bulalo.  Bulalo ( a beef bone marrow and shank soup with vegetables) is a speciality in  Batangas, Laguna and Tagaytay.  Of course, one can easily make this soup at home with the guarantee of using real beef and the dish being made in clean surroundings.  However, trying it from a reputable place in any of the BALATA (haha…..my own acronym for Batangas, Laguna, Tagaytay) areas is quite an exciting idea.

Chef Indeed, a cheffy friend recommended bulalo from Diner’s, a small restaurant in Tags that has been specializing in bulalo and kare kare since the 80’s.

Diner's located at Tagaytay's city proper

Diner's located at Tagaytay's city proper


I took out an order of bulalo, which according to the Diner’s people is good for 3 to 4 persons, for Kuy2 who was down with the flu.

Kuy2 surprisingly liked the offering and even refused to have it mixed with an existing bulalo/nilaga soup made at home.  What a purist, ha!

Beef bone marrow with meat

TBW must agree with Kuy2 that the bulalo’s soup was very flavorful.  It had a distinct taste that I could not quite explain. Chef Indeed was right with his food find =)

Their other speciality, kare kare was still being prepared so I could not order that. While waiting for my takeout purchase, I noticed the papaitan ( a soured stew made with cow’s innards).  I have tried this exotic delicacy several times in the past and consider it a good treat but not for ones cholesterol.  So, I did the best I could……which was to photograph it =)


Nothing of course beats love, care and concern as instant cure for any kind of illness.  Bulalo, lovingly thought of and patiently waited for, makes the list =)


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